Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 6:

1. Name of Cohort Meeting: Reflection and Spring 2014 Goal Setting

2.Three Things I Learned:

  • I learned that our service project is possible but it is going to take a lot of work.
  • I learned the SMART guide to goal setting.
  • I learned that there is a possibility of a second year being added to FLI which makes me excited.
3. I'm looking forward to my new, more education oriented classes that I will be taking next semester.  I'm excited to get to work on the service project with my goal being to recruit organizations to provide volunteers.  I plan to achieve this by reaching out to my own and other fraternities and sororities on campus to recruit volunteers by contacting their service chairs the first week back after break.

4.  My plans for winter break are to go on a ski trip with my family, hangout with my friends from high school and appreciate that I do not have any papers due.

5. Here is a visual to help me continue to make goals for this service project.


Leadership Academy

1.  Three Things I Learned:
  • I learned that values are priorties that we have which guide all of our decisions.  In order to be a strong leader we should know what our values are so that we can be true to them.
  • I also learned that even if we have a certain value there are still situations which are a gray area where that value might be placed on the back burner in order to stay true to another value.
  • Finally, I learned that we all have different styles of leadership that are based on our values and our strenghts.  There is no one right kind of leadership.  There is as many different styles of leadership as there are leaders.
2.  I enjoyed getting to meet new people.  It was cool to draw connections with other people who also valued leadership.  I was surprised that I was the only person in my group who throught cheating should always be reported.  The most valuable thing I will take away is that I should make sure that my actions are congruent with my values.

3.  Values was all about discovering what things were a priority to me when I make decisions.  Ethics was all about making sure that my actions reflect my values.  Commitment was all about finding a purpose based on my values and ethics and sticking to it.

4.  Ethics is very important in leadership because it is all about having congruency to your values.  If, as a leader, you fail to live according to your values then you are being a dishonest leader who will never be able to be effective. By letting my values, such as compassion, guide my actions I will be able to create a safe and caring environment at our service project. 

5.  No pictures taken at Leadership Academy, sorry.

November 15th Cohort Meeting

1. Name of Meeting- Archie Bunker's Neighborhood

2. Three Things I Learned:
  • It does not feel good to have people treat you unfairly and give you no respect because of the way you were born.
  • I learned that defending other people is worth going to jail for and having your money stolen by a police officer.
  • I learned that sometimes we can offend people with our subconscious behaviors so it is important to be aware of how we act around people to be more sensitive.
3. I was so shocked that Alyssa, Michael and Michaelangelo had it in them to be so insensitive and rude.  I had to laugh because it was just so shocking and also because I have a tendency to laugh in serious situations.  It was a very eye-opening experience.

4.  I enjoyed the opportunity to have such an eye-opening experience.  I wish that I could do it again and be even more vocal in my dislike for the way my community and other communities were treated.  I now realize that there was not really a purpose to having money or buildings if we were just going to be mistreated.  I realize looking back that I could of tried to share a building with certain groups (Nick and Maggie) that didn't have any.

Monday, November 11, 2013

November 1st Cohort Meeting

1. Name of Meeting: Diversity in Leadership

2. Three Things I Learned:

  • I learned that it is important to be sensitive to minorities so that people do not feel left out. 
  • I learned that everyone has different characteristics by which they identify themselves.  For example religion is a major way that I identify myself but for other people things like gender or nationality are more important.
  • I also learned that everyone handles conflict differently.  Specifically, when Bailey and I discussed our dilemma I took a more confrontational approach.
3. It is important for leaders to be sensitive to differences in people so that no one feels like they are on the outside of the group.  This applies in the case of campus which offers a variety of clubs to ensure that everyone can find a group of people on campus they identify with whether it be through religion, race, or a common interest. I think this meeting helped me realize that things I do not have a problem with could bother other people based on their identity so hopefully I will become more aware and therefore more inclusive.

4. I think it is impossible to make leadership value neutral because no matter what most people subconsciously abide by a few values that they will never be able to ignore.  I think it is good for leadership to be ethical but in being ethical a leader must abide by some standard of what is ethical thereby not being neutral in his or her leadership.

5. I largely identify myself as Catholic but I am friends with many people who are not Catholic and it does not affect my relationship with them in the least.  My best friend on campus, Megan, is not religious at all.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

October 18th Cohort Meeting

1. Name of Meeting: Personal Identity

2. Three Things I Learned:

  • I learned that Woo, my number one strength, stands for "winning over others."
  • I learned that no one in the group shared any of my strengths other than Nick, who also had both Woo and Positivity.
  • I learned that since we each have different strengths we will be able to get more done because the variety of strengths in our group will allow us to complement each other instead of getting trapped in one mindset.
3. I was not surprised by a specific strength that I got but found that they all seemed to describe me well, I just hadn't identified them as strengths before because they just came naturally to me for the most part.  The only one I was very aware of that I had worked on consciously was Positivity, because there was a time in high school where I was a major pessimist but over the last couple of years I have really worked to turn my attitude around and have apparently succeeded.  The strength of Includer was a bit of a surprise because I never saw that as a strength, closely related to Woo, I just like meeting new people and helping them feel welcome.  I like being parts of big groups of people where everyone is enjoying themselves so to me including people is just the nice thing to do, not a strength.  But I learned that it is.

It is important for a leader to know their strengths so that they can identify what areas they need to work on and do not lose sight of their goal.  For example, based on my strengths, I might find myself focusing too much on the social connections between members of the group instead of making sure the group actually accomplishes a task.  If I am aware of my strengths and how they might divert my attention I will be prepared to self-correct and keep that from happening.

4. I can not think of a situation where a leader disrespected me for my differences.

5. This week is Big/Little Week for my fraternity and I am using my woo to be friendly to all the actives who are my potential bigs!  I am also keeping a positive attitude when it comes to the possibility of being placed in a smaller and seemingly less exciting family! I know that it will all be what I make of it!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Retreat Reflection

1. Three Things I Learned:

  1. I learned that I am strong enough to help lift people over a wall.
  2. I learned that opening up to people is the easiest way to form close friendships.
  3. I learned all about process.
2. My favorite part of the retreat was the bonfire heart to heart.  I learned that even in a small amount of time I can have an impact on people through the closing activity which I also enjoy.  I just got comfortable with everyone and feel comfortable working with them on the service project and hanging out.  

3.  I consider my biggest strength to be my desire to meet new people.  I need to improve my listening skills, instead of just doing all the talking.

4. I represented the Falcon Leadership Institute this Falcon Friday by wearing my t-shirt!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

September 27th Meeting Reflection

1. Why Does Leadership Matter? Relational and Servant Leadership

2. Three Things I Learned:

  1. I got to meet my new mentor and learn that his name was Craig.
  2. I also learned about the five aspects of relational leadership which are process, ethics, empowerment, inclusion and purpose.
  3. Finally I learned that being a great servant leader is based on aspects, the hardest of which for me to master will be good listening.
3. I most identify with the trait of building community.  I love forming relationships with new people and helping people form relationships with each other.  One trait I see exemplified in the world is stewardship by Pope Francis.  He works hard to protect everyone and does not want to be held above at the expense of others.  I feel really good after meeting my mentor.  He seems really and also like a really good listener.  I look forward to getting to know him better throughout the year.

4. I most looked forward to getting to know my fellow cohort members better.  I also look forward to learning more about the service project we will be working on.


I went to the chapter meeting and pledge class for Alpha Phi Omega this week.  This is an organization that stresses not only service and friendship, but also leadership.  I believe it will help me grow to be a better servant leader like we discussed in the meeting.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Leadership Safari Reflection

1. 3 Things I Learned:

  • I learned that to be a good leader I should break out of my chalk circle, or my comfort zone.
  • I learned that when doing a speech or any type of public speaking a good way to start is by forcing people in the room to introduce themselves to each other while simultaneously having an awkward physical encounter.
  • Humor is a great tool to use when public speaking.  It really relaxes the crowd.
2. I really enjoyed the speaker.  He was very lively and engaging.  He had a sense of humor but also offered serious advice.  I have no criticisms.

3.  Here is a picture of a stamp that I got for free as I entered:

Saturday, September 14, 2013

September 13th Meeting Reflection

1. Name of Cohort Meeting:What is leadership? What is a leader?

2. 3 Things I Learned:

  • I learned that there is a multitude of different types of leadership.  Leadership can be moral or immoral.  So, basically, you can be an effective leader without being a truly good leader. 
  • I was able to meet two new people who were unable to make the cohort meeting last week which was fun. I am excited to meet my mentor in two weeks and then go on the retreat and get closer to everyone.
  • I learned that more people share my views on leadership than I would of thought.  We split into the two groups to design our leader and we ended up having many characteristics in common on our people, even though we did not collaborate.  I thought that was really neat.

3. My definition of leadership has not changed that much other than I would now consider intiative and innovation very important parts of being a good leader where as before I only considered them helpful, not necessary.  I changed this because I realized a leader who just keeps things running the way they have always been run is not truly an effective leader.

4. I think it means that they have expectations of their followers but they are also willing to get dirty helping out.  They do not just observe as others work, they help out too.

5. Picture:This is a picture of me (in the purple) with my intramural volleyball team.  I have taken on the position of captain. I was responsible for helping organize efforts to get teachers, make sure people sign up on time, and decide the line up and how we will rotate.  I also have to make sure each member of the team feels included and knows when and where our matches are.

Campus Fest Reflection

1. Three Things I Learned:

  • I learned about the Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity.  They offer many opportunities to serve in a multitude of ways and provide a chance to make new friends.
  • I learned that being a part of the Mock Trial Team costs $300 and is therefore outside of my budget, even though I enjoyed doing it in high school.
  • I learned more about Veritas. the Catholic Student Organization, and all the opportunities they provide for students to be involved in their faith on campus.
2. I was at campus fest for a little over an hour.  I will most likely become involved in Veritas, Alpha Phi Omega and the Council for Students with Exceptionalities which is a club that focuses on Special Education.I loved walking around and recieved a lot of cool free stuff, including a blow up ball, frisbees, pens, two pairs of sunglasses and a coupon for a free ice cream sundae from Myles DQ.  The best part of the day though was when two of my suitemates won goldfish playing the Cru plinko game. Their names are Antwon and Norbert.  They're pretty cool.

3. Picture:This is a picture of my roomates goldfirsh, Norbert.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Reflection on August 30th Meeting

1. Name of Cohort Meeting: Introduction, Team Building, and Schedule

2. 3 Things I Learned:

  • I met new people who I am excited to work with throughout this year.
  • I learned that I get to participate in a two day retreat which I am thoroughly looking forward to.  If I want to go though I have to be sure to turn in my medical form at the next meeting with is September 13th.
  • I learned that I will have homework but that this homework is not just mindless reading and worksheets.  It will be meaningful and reflective.  It will also help me to grow as a leader and enable me to participate better in group discussions at the meetings.
3. Introduction: My name is Stephanie Surblis.  I am the oldest of three children in my family.  I am studying to be an Intervention Specialist with Dual Certification in both Mild-Moderate and Moderate-Intensive.  I am excited to get involved on campus but am not yet sure in exactly which clubs I would like to participate.  In high school I was involved with my high school's pro-life club, yearbook staff, Mock Trial team, NHS, and Track Team.  I was also the three year captain of my high school's bowling team.  One of my biggest accomplishments was being the co-founder with one of my best friends of my high school's Harry Potter Club.  I am very excited to be living on campus and being involved with the Honors Learning Community along with the Falcon Leadership Institute.  I hope to get involved and generally have fun while still studying hard without getting homesick or overwhelmed.

4. Definition of Leadership: I think leadership can be defined many different ways.  There are more dramatic obvious displays of leadership such as Student Government or what Alyssa is doing by creating a new organization and attempting to make it into a tradition.  This type of leadership is very admirable but I also appreciate service leadership which I think of as quieter.  It is a way that you live your life simply respecting people and working to make the world a better place and letting people notice the example you set.  They will follow.

5. Picture: I found opportunities to find opportunities to get involved on campus, both for fun and volunteering.