Sunday, October 27, 2013

October 18th Cohort Meeting

1. Name of Meeting: Personal Identity

2. Three Things I Learned:

  • I learned that Woo, my number one strength, stands for "winning over others."
  • I learned that no one in the group shared any of my strengths other than Nick, who also had both Woo and Positivity.
  • I learned that since we each have different strengths we will be able to get more done because the variety of strengths in our group will allow us to complement each other instead of getting trapped in one mindset.
3. I was not surprised by a specific strength that I got but found that they all seemed to describe me well, I just hadn't identified them as strengths before because they just came naturally to me for the most part.  The only one I was very aware of that I had worked on consciously was Positivity, because there was a time in high school where I was a major pessimist but over the last couple of years I have really worked to turn my attitude around and have apparently succeeded.  The strength of Includer was a bit of a surprise because I never saw that as a strength, closely related to Woo, I just like meeting new people and helping them feel welcome.  I like being parts of big groups of people where everyone is enjoying themselves so to me including people is just the nice thing to do, not a strength.  But I learned that it is.

It is important for a leader to know their strengths so that they can identify what areas they need to work on and do not lose sight of their goal.  For example, based on my strengths, I might find myself focusing too much on the social connections between members of the group instead of making sure the group actually accomplishes a task.  If I am aware of my strengths and how they might divert my attention I will be prepared to self-correct and keep that from happening.

4. I can not think of a situation where a leader disrespected me for my differences.

5. This week is Big/Little Week for my fraternity and I am using my woo to be friendly to all the actives who are my potential bigs!  I am also keeping a positive attitude when it comes to the possibility of being placed in a smaller and seemingly less exciting family! I know that it will all be what I make of it!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Retreat Reflection

1. Three Things I Learned:

  1. I learned that I am strong enough to help lift people over a wall.
  2. I learned that opening up to people is the easiest way to form close friendships.
  3. I learned all about process.
2. My favorite part of the retreat was the bonfire heart to heart.  I learned that even in a small amount of time I can have an impact on people through the closing activity which I also enjoy.  I just got comfortable with everyone and feel comfortable working with them on the service project and hanging out.  

3.  I consider my biggest strength to be my desire to meet new people.  I need to improve my listening skills, instead of just doing all the talking.

4. I represented the Falcon Leadership Institute this Falcon Friday by wearing my t-shirt!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

September 27th Meeting Reflection

1. Why Does Leadership Matter? Relational and Servant Leadership

2. Three Things I Learned:

  1. I got to meet my new mentor and learn that his name was Craig.
  2. I also learned about the five aspects of relational leadership which are process, ethics, empowerment, inclusion and purpose.
  3. Finally I learned that being a great servant leader is based on aspects, the hardest of which for me to master will be good listening.
3. I most identify with the trait of building community.  I love forming relationships with new people and helping people form relationships with each other.  One trait I see exemplified in the world is stewardship by Pope Francis.  He works hard to protect everyone and does not want to be held above at the expense of others.  I feel really good after meeting my mentor.  He seems really and also like a really good listener.  I look forward to getting to know him better throughout the year.

4. I most looked forward to getting to know my fellow cohort members better.  I also look forward to learning more about the service project we will be working on.


I went to the chapter meeting and pledge class for Alpha Phi Omega this week.  This is an organization that stresses not only service and friendship, but also leadership.  I believe it will help me grow to be a better servant leader like we discussed in the meeting.