Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 6:

1. Name of Cohort Meeting: Reflection and Spring 2014 Goal Setting

2.Three Things I Learned:

  • I learned that our service project is possible but it is going to take a lot of work.
  • I learned the SMART guide to goal setting.
  • I learned that there is a possibility of a second year being added to FLI which makes me excited.
3. I'm looking forward to my new, more education oriented classes that I will be taking next semester.  I'm excited to get to work on the service project with my goal being to recruit organizations to provide volunteers.  I plan to achieve this by reaching out to my own and other fraternities and sororities on campus to recruit volunteers by contacting their service chairs the first week back after break.

4.  My plans for winter break are to go on a ski trip with my family, hangout with my friends from high school and appreciate that I do not have any papers due.

5. Here is a visual to help me continue to make goals for this service project.


Leadership Academy

1.  Three Things I Learned:
  • I learned that values are priorties that we have which guide all of our decisions.  In order to be a strong leader we should know what our values are so that we can be true to them.
  • I also learned that even if we have a certain value there are still situations which are a gray area where that value might be placed on the back burner in order to stay true to another value.
  • Finally, I learned that we all have different styles of leadership that are based on our values and our strenghts.  There is no one right kind of leadership.  There is as many different styles of leadership as there are leaders.
2.  I enjoyed getting to meet new people.  It was cool to draw connections with other people who also valued leadership.  I was surprised that I was the only person in my group who throught cheating should always be reported.  The most valuable thing I will take away is that I should make sure that my actions are congruent with my values.

3.  Values was all about discovering what things were a priority to me when I make decisions.  Ethics was all about making sure that my actions reflect my values.  Commitment was all about finding a purpose based on my values and ethics and sticking to it.

4.  Ethics is very important in leadership because it is all about having congruency to your values.  If, as a leader, you fail to live according to your values then you are being a dishonest leader who will never be able to be effective. By letting my values, such as compassion, guide my actions I will be able to create a safe and caring environment at our service project. 

5.  No pictures taken at Leadership Academy, sorry.

November 15th Cohort Meeting

1. Name of Meeting- Archie Bunker's Neighborhood

2. Three Things I Learned:
  • It does not feel good to have people treat you unfairly and give you no respect because of the way you were born.
  • I learned that defending other people is worth going to jail for and having your money stolen by a police officer.
  • I learned that sometimes we can offend people with our subconscious behaviors so it is important to be aware of how we act around people to be more sensitive.
3. I was so shocked that Alyssa, Michael and Michaelangelo had it in them to be so insensitive and rude.  I had to laugh because it was just so shocking and also because I have a tendency to laugh in serious situations.  It was a very eye-opening experience.

4.  I enjoyed the opportunity to have such an eye-opening experience.  I wish that I could do it again and be even more vocal in my dislike for the way my community and other communities were treated.  I now realize that there was not really a purpose to having money or buildings if we were just going to be mistreated.  I realize looking back that I could of tried to share a building with certain groups (Nick and Maggie) that didn't have any.