Sunday, December 8, 2013

November 15th Cohort Meeting

1. Name of Meeting- Archie Bunker's Neighborhood

2. Three Things I Learned:
  • It does not feel good to have people treat you unfairly and give you no respect because of the way you were born.
  • I learned that defending other people is worth going to jail for and having your money stolen by a police officer.
  • I learned that sometimes we can offend people with our subconscious behaviors so it is important to be aware of how we act around people to be more sensitive.
3. I was so shocked that Alyssa, Michael and Michaelangelo had it in them to be so insensitive and rude.  I had to laugh because it was just so shocking and also because I have a tendency to laugh in serious situations.  It was a very eye-opening experience.

4.  I enjoyed the opportunity to have such an eye-opening experience.  I wish that I could do it again and be even more vocal in my dislike for the way my community and other communities were treated.  I now realize that there was not really a purpose to having money or buildings if we were just going to be mistreated.  I realize looking back that I could of tried to share a building with certain groups (Nick and Maggie) that didn't have any.

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